Thursday, 22 February 2018

Friday Post - Animate CC - February 16, 2018


  • In Animate CC I have learned how to use the program to make a simple 2D flash animation 
  • I learned how to add a button that plays the animation on my blogger 
  • I learned how to create symbols for scenes as well as how to make different layers in flash
  • I was able to import a sound file of a car horn to go off at a specific frame in the animation
  • Overall this was my first introduction into any animation software besides pivot stick fig animator 
  1. I learned how to make symbols using the selector tool 
  2. I was shown how to create a grid for drawing symbols 
  3. I learned how to make a motion tween 
  4. I was taught how make a gradient out of a square cube 
  5. Another tip I learned was some of the short cuts for the program like using F9 to access the actions menu or how to create a symbol out of a shape by just pressing F8 after selecting the object 

    To embed a Shockwave File on to your blog you must first copy this line of code into the post's HTML 

<embed src="" quality="high" allowscriptaccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" 
pluginspage="" align="middle" height="300" width="300"></embed>

After that replace the with your own dropbox share link
and replace the following
replace the "www" in your link with "dl"
also remove the s from https://
also delete everything after the .swf       

Friday, 2 February 2018

Friday Post Feb 2nd 2018

What did I do this week 

This Week I made my blog and made a couple posts about the super blue blood moon. The pros and cons of ACSS and made a predicted grades post.

What code did I learn

I learned how to change the background on posts using <div style="background: lime;"> and </div>     

I also learned how to fix a transparency issue with Blogger and transparent images using 

.post-body img, .post-body .tr-caption-container, .Profile img, .Image img,

.BlogList .item-thumbnail img {

  padding: 0 !important;

  border: none !important;

  background: none !important;

  -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;

  -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;

  box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent !important;


What are the two types of technology that I depend on  

My number one is google as it has the answer to almost anything in today's world

My number two would probably be One Drive or Dropbox as it can let me work from home during weekends if I need to catch up or edit any posts/assignments (And of course my PC)

What is my tech future 

I hope one day there will be personal drones that could carry a person (basically a small quad copter)  

(Click the pic)

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Predicted Grades

Predicted Grades